
The Two Sides of the Mental Health Conversation

Mandy Froelich, Jason Shapiro, Ross Romano

In this engaging discussion, a panel of leaders from diverse backgrounds addresses the two ends of a productive mental health conversation: how we push ourselves to become more comfortable advancing the conversation from our own perspective, as well as how we become better at creating a safe environment for others to share. What are the initial steps to overcoming our own hesitation about sharing our struggles and how do we share them productively in a way that advances, rather than sidetracks, the conversation? What are the “must-do’s” and “please don’ts” when listening to a friend or colleague’s struggles, to ensure we take a supportive posture? What are some specific things that need to be prioritized in the workplace to make mental health awareness the norm? The panelists discuss these topics and many more.

Image credit:Brian D'Cruz Hypno Plus https://www.briandcruzhypnoplus.com/ 

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